GEMs Fundraiser and Baking Goods Drive Helps “largest emergency food provider[s] in the region”

The GEMs Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment program has been hard at work in their most recent service project, a baking goods and donation drive for Community Table through a tack cleaning fundraiser, a baking goods drive, and a bake sale. 

Community Table, which was founded in 1982 as a food pantry, has gradually expanded and now offers showers, laundry services, medical and dental care and even nutrition and cooking programs alongside their robust grocery store- style food pantry for those in need.

With your help and support, the GEMs raised over 500 dollars along with tons of baking ingredients, specifically going above and beyond the bare essentials and donating things that are often overlooked such as cake mixes, spices and other things. Although some GEMs members were unable to attend, accounts of those who attended are those of only  joy and happiness from our Community Table contact person, Erika.

Because of previous information about the needs of Community Table, the GEM’s agreed on spending the money to buy baking goods as opposed to donating it outright. This donation process began by weighing the goods. As one Junior Youth recalls, it took two times to weigh all of the baking goods, there was just so much!

In their previous visit, the GEMs had an extremely in depth tour, seeing the full process of emergency aid and all the services this amazing non-profit provides. They really seem to offer almost all of the resources an unhoused person would need to get reincorporated into stable housing and work!

Thanks to all you who donated while the drive was in progress. You can be sure that it made a difference in someone's life! In the words of Community Table’s mission, “Food. Help. Hope.”


Hidden Lane Stable Merch